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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Glyphosate in wines that weren't even sprayed

10 wines were tested for glyphosate. All 10 tested positive, even the organic ones. Even your organic food is not safe. It seems nothing can escape the glyphosphate plague.

More organic foods contaminated with Roundup:

2015-07-01 Which foods are mostly likely contaminated with glyphosate? The US code of federal regulations allows this food to contain glyphosate at these levels:
  1. 400 ppm: for animal feed, nongrass, group 18
  2. 310 ppm: for grain aspirated fractions
  3. 300 ppm: for grass, forage, fodder and hay, group 17
  4. 210 ppm: for cotton gin byproducts
  5. 200 ppm: for peppermint and spearmint tops, soybean hay, leucaena and kenaf forage
  6. 120 ppm: for soybean hulls
  7. 100 ppm: for soybean forage, corn, field, stover, grain, cereal forage, fodder and straw, group 16, except field corn, forage and field corn, stover, teff hay and forage
  8. 40 ppm: for oilseeds, group 20 (includes sunflower and cottonseed), except canola
  9. 30 ppm: for barley bran, grain, cereal, group 15 (includes rice, sorghum, wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, rye) except field corn, popcorn, rice, sweet corn, and wild rice, sugarcane molasses
  10. 25: for almond hulls, beet, sugar, dried pulp
  11. 20 ppm: for canola seed, soybean seed
  12. 13 ppm: for corn, field, forage
  13. 10 ppm: for beet, sugar, roots and tops
  14. 8 ppm: for dried peas
  15. 7 ppm: for hop, dried cones, certain spices, instant tea
  16. 5 ppm: for carrot, quinoa grain, teff grain, legumes except soybean and dry pea, cattle, hog, sheep, and goat meat byproducts, corn, field, grain,
  17. 3.5 ppm: for corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husk removed
  18. 3 ppm: for shellfish, sweet potato
  19. 2 ppm: for Mexican oregano leaves, sugarcane

2016-04-26 USDA certified organic foods. "A new investigation by Tropical Traditions has revealed that the U.S. organic grain market is contaminated with glyphosate. Sadly, the presence of glyphosate residue was found in organic wheat and other organic grains, including organic barley, oats, spelt, and einkorn (an ancient strain of wheat)."

Organic Consumers. April 12, 2016.

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