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Glyphosphate safe vs unsafe

Who says glyphosate is safe or not. This page is to show studies that claim glyphosate is safe. But watch the wording of the conclusions very carefully. Some conclusions say "there is limited evidence in human studies". This conclusion does not include the myriad non-huma studies and studies of cell cultures or damage to in-human microbiota.

Companies and organizations who: 
  • say it's safe: EFSA, EPA, FAO*, Monsanto, WHO/FAO. 
  • say it's unsafe: 53
* Member bribed. See below.

It's perfectly safe!

EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). 
PDF here.
  1. "The toxicity of glyphosate needs to be redefined. An acute reference dose (ARfD) of 0.5 mg/kg of body weight has therefore been proposed, the first time such a safety measure has been introduced for glyphosate. "
  2. "The substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (i.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans." (Notice that they didn't address the toxicity to the liver, kidneys, or gut microbiota, all of which have been addressed in other peer-reviewed studies.)
EFSA study. Nov 12, 2015.
"...the EU peer review experts, with only one exception, concluded that glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans and the evidence does not support classification with regard to its carcinogenic potential according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging (CLP Regulation). Glyphosate is not classified or proposed to be classified as carcinogenic or toxic for reproduction category 2 in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (harmonised classification supported by the present assessment), and therefore, the conditions of the interim provisions of Annex II, Point 3.6.5 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 concerning human health for the consideration of endocrine disrupting properties are not met. "
94 scientists explain why EFSA got it wrong. Mar 4, 2016.
96 scientists sign letter to condemn EFSA findings. Nov 27, 2015. The Prof. Portier letter.
EFSA responds to critics. With email trail.
Serious flaws in the EFSA findings. The actual commentary from the 94 scientists. 2015.

Monsanto argues for glyphosate's safety
PDF here. In Monsanto's comments about the Monograph, dated Feb 11, 1999.  This is a document faxed from Monsanto to ECCO-TEAM, which went to Dr. Bruno of ECCO-TEAM in Braunsschweig.

Panel member, Prof Allen Boobis, paid $500k to say Roundup is safe.

"Glyphosate has low toxicity for humans." Page here.

Taylor and Francis online did a study for Monsanto.
Evaluation of carcinogenic potential of the herbicide glyphosate, drawing on tumor incidence data from fourteen chronic/carcinogenicity rodent studies. 2015 issue. Author affiliations:
  1. Monsanto Company, 800 North Lindbergh Blvd., 63167 St. Louis, MO, USA
  2. Glyphosate Task Force, A Pro-GMO group.

"Pesticide Residues in Food - 2004". Pesticides are safe. PDF here.

Not safe.

Albaugh LLC
via EPA website, manufacturer of glyphosate. Warning label From May 4, 2016.
"Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or other waters unless in accordance with the requirements of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this product to sewer systems without previously notifying the local sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance, contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA."
California, Dept of Pesticide Regulation.
Glyphosate degradation in water is very slow.
PDF here. 1998.

CDC (from NIOSH). "DO NOT let this chemical (glyphosate) enter the environment." Under "Spillage Disposal". Link here.

Report from 1987. Glyphosate caused cancer in Sprague-Dawley rats in 1981 study by  Bio/Dynamics Inc. The most common tumors were in the pituary gland and mammary glands of female rats.

Complete ban on glyphosate.

Part of WHO. See WHO.

Institute for Responsible Technology.
PDF here.

International Society of Doctors.
PDF Here.

Scientific American.

Sri Lanka.
Wants complete ban on glyphosate after epidemic of Chronic Kidney disease. May 25, 2015.
Ultra low dose of Roundup produces kidney damage. The study from 2015.

IARC is part of the World Health Organization.
March 20, 2015. PDF here.

43 other countries, states and cities.
PDF here.

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