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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pesticides in organic and non-organic food

Remember: The USDA Organic program allows non-approved chemicals and GMO products if no other organic product is available. USDA Organic does not mean organic! More info here on the USDA Organic Program. Look for Non-GMO Project verified instead.

Below: Just a few points about how often pesticides occur in certain foods.

Below: Foods most likely to have pesticides:

Below: Highest and lowest ranked in pesticides:
The corn is hard to believe since 92% of corn grown in the US is Roundup Ready.

Below: Pesticides found in 15% of organic foods in 2014. Source: Foodsafety News.

Below:  And what's the effect of pesticides?

Below: And what about conventional, vs "natural", vs "organic"?

Below: What level of pesticides does one person have?
Source: Off-Grid. Urine levels of pesticides were 6.7x higher before he ate organic foods. After eating organic, pesticide levels dropped by a factor of 6.7x.


  1. Thanks a lot for your helpful blog! One question here: why is pineapple is among the worst in the second picture(chemicals in your shopping) and it is among the safest in the third one (clean 15)?

    1. Good question. The pictures are from different sites and they probably used different ways to measure pesticides. Roundup is absorbed into the whole plant and cannot be washed off but other pesticides can be washed off. So it all depends on if they tested the unwashed OUTSIDE of the fruit, or the inside of the fruit.


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