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Monday, November 20, 2017

Some EU members say no to glyphosate 5 year renewal

Some EU members, realizing the danger glyphosate puts humans and wildlife in, have voted no to renew Monsanto's 5 year license in their areas.14 countries voted for the renewal, 9 against, 5 abstained, including Germany. France has already agreed to a 3 year renewal so the deadly chemical can be sprayed on GMO and non-GMO crops. For the vote to pass, two conditions must be met.

  1. 55% of EU countries must vote in favor, and
  2. countries that support the vote must represent at least 65% of the total EU population. So larger, more populous countries have an advantage in voting.
14 countries voted for the renewal, 14 countries did not. That's only 50% of countries voting for  passing the renewal.

Sustainable Pulse.

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